Scripture Verse

Let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1


Horatio Palmer

Words: Chris­to­pher R. Black­all, in Songs of Love for the Bi­ble School, ed­it­ed by Ho­ra­tio Pal­mer (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1874).

Music: Ho­ra­tio R. Pal­mer (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Black­all or Palm­er,

Christopher R. Blackall


The prize is set be­fore us,
To win, His words im­plore us,
The eye of God is o’er us
From on high (from on high);
His lov­ing tones are call­ing
While sin is dark, ap­pall­ing,
’Tis Je­sus gent­ly call­ing,
He is nigh (He is nigh).


By and by we shall meet Him,
By and by we shall greet Him,
And with Je­sus reign in glo­ry,
By and by (by and by);
By and by we shall meet Him,
By and by we shall greet Him,
And with Je­sus reign in glo­ry,
By and by.

We’ll follow where He lead­eth,
We’ll pas­ture where He feed­eth,
We’ll yield to Him who plead­eth
From on high (from on high);
Then naught from Him shall se­ver,
Our hope shall bright­en ev­er,
And faith shall fail us ne­ver,
He is nigh (He is nigh).


Our home is bright above us,
No tri­als dark to move us,
But Je­sus dear to love us
There on high (there on high);
We’ll give Him best en­dea­vor,
And praise His name for­ev­er;
His pre­cious words can ne­ver,
Never die (ne­ver die).
