Scripture Verse

You are My witnesses. Isaiah 43:10


James Fillmore (1849–1936)

Words: Al­ice M. Batch­eld­er, in Gems and Jew­els, by James Fill­more & James H. Ro­se­crans (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1890), num­ber 32.

Music: James H. Fill­more (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Batch­eld­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Fill­more,


Tell me, bro­ther, worn and wea­ry,
Toiling o’er life’s path­way dim,
Are you shed­ding light for Je­sus,
Are you wit­ness­ing for Him?
Are you seek­ing for the sin­ners,
Those whom Je­sus died to win?
Are you point­ing to the fount­ain
That can wash away their sin?


Tell me, bro­ther, worn and wea­ry,
Toiling o’er life’s path­way dim;
Are you shed­ding light for Je­sus?
Are you wit­ness­ing for Him?

Are you watch­ing by the way­side
For the faint­ing ones who fall?
Do you take them to the Sav­ior,
Who has pro­mised rest for all?
Do you love to tell of Je­sus
More than all the world be­side?
Does it bring a heav’n­ly bless­ing
With God’s peo­ple to abide?


Have you made a con­se­cra­tion
Of your time and earth­ly store?
Have you placed them on the al­tar?
Then the Mas­ter asks no more.
Thus, O Chris­tian, may we jour­ney,
Showing forth the Sav­ior’s praise,
With our lamps all bright and burn­ing,
That the world may catch their rays.
