Scripture Verse

Strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Hebrews 11:13


Words: Bir­die Bell, in Jew­els of Praise, by Asa Hull (New York: Da­ni­el P. Knowles, 1884), num­ber 1.

Music: Asa Hull (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Asa Hull (1828–1907)


Pilgrim, whi­ther jour­ney you
Along the path of life?
What’s the goal you have in view
Along the path of life?

Far be­yond our vi­sion, friend,
Is my jour­ney’s bless­èd end;
Heavenward my foot­steps wend
Along the path of life.

Pilgrim, why not halt and rest
Along the path of life?
Quickly on your way you’ve pressed
Along the path of life.

Nay, but through His pre­cious grace
Soon I’ll end this earth­ly race;
I have no abid­ing place
Along the path of life.

Pilgrim, why look you so glad
Along the path of life?

Nearing home, should I be sad
Along the path of life?
Where yon crys­tal tow­ers shine
I shall see my king di­vine,
And eter­nal bliss be mine
Beyond this path of life.