


Born: March 31, 1918, Har­ris­on, Ar­kan­sas.

Died: No­vem­ber 24, 1977, Boone Coun­ty, Ar­kan­sas.

Buried: Grubb Springs Ce­me­te­ry, Har­ris­on, Ar­kan­sas.


Terry was the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Pil­low, and hus­band of Ju­lia Zur­ga (mar­ried 1939).

At age three, he was in­jured in a fall which dam­aged his spine.

He first heard Gos­pel mu­sic when Eu­gene Bartlett and a quar­tet ar­rived in Har­ris­on from Dal­las, Tex­as. This con­tact with Bart­lett, and with Al­bert Brum­ley, in­flu­enced Pil­low to go in­to the Gos­pel mu­sic field.

Pillow had his first pi­ano les­sons with Al­bert Brum­ley. He lat­er at­tend­ed five nor­mals run by the Stamps-Bax­ter Com­pa­ny in Dallas, stu­dy­ing un­der Jes­se R. Bax­ter, Vir­gil O. Stamps, George T. Speer, James H. Rue­bush, Tho­mas J. Far­ris, Joe Rop­er, Chris­to­pher C. Staf­ford and oth­ers.

