The Cyber Hymnal™

Recent Additions

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We Come with Hap­py Hearts26 Jul
Jesus Is Com­ing By and By25 Jul
By Grace I’ll Stand24 Jul
How Plea­sant ’Tis to See23 Jul
And Yet There is Room22 Jul
Lo, What an En­ter­tain­ing Sight21 Jul
To Thee, O God, We Raise20 Jul
I Am Rea­dy19 Jul
Pass We All through Waves of Judg­ment19 Jul
The Beau­ti­ful Coun­try18 Jul
Come to Je­sus Now17 Jul
I Will Trust Him 16 Jul
Kind Words—Earth’s Good An­gels15 Jul
Let Me Die Like a Chris­tian14 Jul
The Chris­tian Mis­sion­ary13 Jul
How Blest the Shin­ing Forms Above12 Jul
Tossed on the Wide, Tem­pes­tu­ous Sea12 Jul
The Morn of Life11 Jul
In Heav’n the Heart O’er­flows with Love10 Jul
To Thee Whose Eye All Na­ture Owns9 Jul
With Joy, Ye Saints, Di­rect Your Eyes8 Jul
Heav’n Is the Seat of Light and Bliss7 Jul
The Trum­pet’s So­lemn Sound6 Jul
The Trum­pet Sounds, the Judge Des­cends5 Jul
Jesus, Des­cend with Glo­ry Crowned4 Jul
I Come, the Sav­ior Cries3 Jul
Death Is No Dread­ful Sound2 Jul
With So­lemn Joy We Come1 Jul
Let Un­be­liev­ers, Void of Grace30 Jun
Hark, the Crash of Roar­ing Thun­der29 Jun
One Se­pul­cher, One Lit­tle Spot28 Jun
Thou Only Couldst, Great Three in One27 Jun