The Cyber Hymnal™

Privacy Policy

  1. We do not col­lect or store per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able in­for­ma­tion about you.
  2. We do store us­er pref­er­ences (for ex­amp­le, whe­ther to show pag­es in the stan­dard or con­densed for­mat) if you choose to use these op­tions. The pref­er­ence da­ta is stored on your lo­cal com­pu­ter, and is not vi­si­ble to us or any­one else.
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  4. If you send us da­ta from the sys­tem in­for­ma­tion page to help us di­ag­nose prob­lems, the da­ta does not iden­ti­fy you per­son­al­ly, and we di­scard it af­ter re­solv­ing the prob­lems you re­port.