Scripture Verse

Gentiles shall come to Thy light, and kings to the brightness of Thy rising. Isaiah 60:3


Words: Will­iam J. Blew, The Church Hymn and Tune Book (Lon­don: Fran­cis & John Riv­ing­ton, 1852), Epi­pha­ny se­ction, num­ber 1.

Music: Bris­tol Road E. J. T. Pit­man, in Christ­mas Min­strel­sy, by Jo­seph Will­iams (Lon­don & Man­ches­ter, Eng­land: No­vel­lo & Brem­ner, 1864), num­ber 4 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Adeste Fi­de­les at­trib­ut­ed va­ri­ous­ly to John Wade, John Read­ing, or Mar­co An­ton­io Si­mao (Por­to­gal­lo) (1762–1830) (🔊 pdf nwc)

If you know Pit­man’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Blew (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Ye crowned kings, ap­proach ye,
With rich trea­sures freight­ed,
O haste ye, your foot­steps
To Beth­le­hem wing;
O haste and adore Him—
The Prince of all an­gels,
Then come let us wor­ship—
Yea, come let us wor­ship,
O come let us wor­ship
The Christ, the King.

The true God of true God
The true Light of true Light,
Lo! the rays of the Star
O’er the dim dwell­ing spring,
Very God not cre­at­ed,
Not made but be­got­ten,
O come let us wor­ship,
O come let us wor­ship,
O come let us wor­ship
The Christ, the King.

The King—yea, of all kings,
The high Lord of all lords,
The won­der­ful God,
Wisely coun­sel­ing,
The Prince ev­er­last­ing,
Of peace and all glo­ry;
O come let us wor­ship,
O come let us wor­ship,
O come let us wor­ship
The Christ, the King.

Let love bring her fine gold,
Her harsh myrrh, aus­tere­ness,
Let long­ing de­vo­tion
Its frank­in­cense bring,
Let fine gold the King mark,
The myrrh mark His man­hood,
And, with in­cense, the God­head
O come let us wor­ship,
O come let us wor­ship
The Christ, the King.

O come, let us wor­ship,
And fall down be­fore Him,
The gifts of our hands
With our hearts of­fer­ing,
Then hail! to the Day-star
From Heav­en that ap­pear­eth;
O come let us wor­ship,
O come let us wor­ship,
O come let us wor­ship
The Christ, the King.