Scripture Verse

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3


Ernest O. Sellers (1869–1952)

Words: An­na B. Rus­sell, 1921. Judg­ing from the si­mi­la­ri­ties, this song was ap­par­ent­ly in­spired by There Is Nev­er a Day So Drea­ry. Brit­ish ev­an­gel­ist Gyp­sy Smith made it well known, us­ing it ma­ny times in his meet­ings on both sides of the At­lan­tic. In his 1927 book Won­der­ful Je­sus and Oth­er Songs, it is called The Gyp­sy Smith Cam­paign Song.

Music: Er­nest O. Sell­ers (🔊 pdf nwc). Sell­ers wrote the mu­sic while teach­ing at the Bap­tist Bi­ble In­sti­tute in New Or­leans, Lou­isi­ana.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Rus­sell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Gypsy Smith book


There is ne­ver a day so drea­ry,
There is ne­ver a night so long,
But the soul that is trust­ing in Je­sus
Will some­where find a song.


Wonderful, won­der­ful Je­sus,
In the heart He im­plant­eth a song:
A song of de­li­ver­ance, of cour­age, of strength,
In the heart He im­plant­eth a song.

There is ne­ver a cross so hea­vy,
There is ne­ver a weight of woe,
But that Je­sus will help to car­ry
Because He lov­eth so.


There is ne­ver a care or bur­den,
There is ne­ver a grief or loss,
But that Je­sus in love will light­en
When car­ried to the cross.


There is ne­ver a guil­ty sin­ner,
There is ne­ver a wan­der­ing one,
But that God can in mer­cy par­don
Through Je­sus Christ, His Son.
