Scripture Verse

Who is my neighbor? Luke 10:29


William B. O. Peabody (1799–1847)

Words: Will­iam B. O. Pea­bo­dy, in the Chris­tian Mir­ror (Por­tland, Maine, May 30, 1828).

Music: Dale­hurst Ar­thur Cott­man, 1874 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cott­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Who is thy neigh­bor? He whom thou
Hast pow­er to aid or bless;
Whose ach­ing heart or burn­ing brow
Thy sooth­ing hand may press.

Thy neigh­bor? ’Tis the faint­ing poor
Whose eye with want is dim;
O en­ter thou his hum­ble door,
With aid and peace for him.

Thy neigh­bor? He who drinks the cup
When sor­row drowns the brim;
With words of high, sus­tain­ing hope,
Go thou and com­fort him.

Thy neigh­bor? Yon­der toil­ing slave,
Fettered in thought and limb;
Whose hopes are all be­yond the grave,
Go thou, and ran­som him.

Thy neigh­bor? Pass no mourn­er by;
Perhaps thou canst re­deem
A break­ing heart from mi­se­ry;
Go, share thy lot with him.

The Good Samaritan
Hurlbut’s Story of the Bible, 1902