Scripture Verse

A leader and commander to the people. Isaiah 55:4


Bentley Ackley

Words: Liz­zie De­Ar­mond & Charles H. Ga­br­iel, 1913. Some hym­nals show the co-au­thor as Jen­nie Ree, one of Ga­bri­el’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Bent­ley D. Ack­ley (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Ack­ley,

Lizzie DeArmond (1847–1936)

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On where the cross is lead­ing,
Under the glo­ri­ous ban­ner go;
Marching in pha­lanx brave and strong,
We fear not to meet the foe.


On, on, unit­ed in His love!
On, on, to joy and peace above;
Marching to­ge­ther, loy­al for­ev­er,
Jesus is lead­ing—on for the King!

Closer around us throng­ing
Gather the migh­ty hosts of sin;
Yet, while our great com­mand­er leads,
We’ll fight, and the tri­umph win.


On where the cross is lead­ing!
Fear not, tho’ march­ing days be long;
Ours is the bat­tle, His the tri­umph,
Ours be the vic­tor’s song.
