Scripture Verse

They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels. Malachi 3:17


William O. Cushing (1823–1902)

Words: Will­iam O. Cush­ing, 1856.

Music: Jew­els George F. Root, 1866 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George F. Root (1820–1895)


A min­is­ter re­turn­ing from Eur­ope on an Eng­lish steam­er vis­it­ed the steer­age, and af­ter some friend­ly talk pro­posed a sing­ing ser­vice—if some­thing could be start­ed that ev­ery­bo­dy knew—for there were hun­dreds of emi­grants there from near­ly ev­ery part of Eur­ope.

It will have to be an Am­eri­can tune, then, said the steer­age-mas­ter; try His jew­els.

The min­is­ter struck out at once with the me­lo­dy and the words…and scores of the poor half-fare mul­ti­tude joined voic­es with him. Ma­ny prob­ab­ly re­cog­nized the mu­sic of the old glee, and some had heard the sweet air played in the church-stee­ples at home. Oth­er voic­es chimed in, male and fe­male, catch­ing the air, and some­times the words—they were so ea­sy and so ma­ny times re­peat­ed—and the vol­ume of song in­creased, till the sing­ing min­is­ter stood in the midst of an in­te­rna­tion­al con­cert, the most no­vel that he had ev­er led.

He tried oth­er songs in si­mi­lar visits dur­ing the rest of the voy­age with some suc­cess, but the Je­wel Hymn was the fa­vo­rite; and by the time port was in sight the whole crowd of emi­grants had it by heart.

The steam­er land­ed at Que­bec, and when the trains, filled with the new ar­riv­als, rolled away, the song was swell­ing from near­ly ev­ery car.

Brown, pp. 315–16


When He com­eth, when He com­eth
To make up His jew­els,
All His jew­els, pre­cious jew­els,
His loved and His own.


Like the stars of the morn­ing,
His bright­ness adorn­ing,
They shall shine in their beau­ty,
Bright gems for His crown.

He will ga­ther, He will ga­ther
The gems for His king­dom;
All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
His loved and His own.


Little child­ren, lit­tle child­ren,
Who love their Re­deem­er,
Are the jew­els, pre­cious jew­els,
His loved and His own.
