Scripture Verse

The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light. Exodus 13:21


William S. Nickle (1853–1914)

Words: Hen­ry G. Jack­son, 1889.

Music: San­ta Ro­sa Willi­am S. Nick­le, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry G. Jackson (1838–1914)


Israelites Led by the Pillar of Fire by Night
William West, 1845

From Egypt’s cru­el bond­age fled,
Obedient to our Lord’s com­mand,
And by His Word and Spir­it led,
We’re on the way to Ca­naan’s land!


We’re on the way, a pil­grim band;
We’re on the way to Ca­naan’s land;
Divinely guid­ed day by day,
We’re on the way, we’re on the way.

Through wild­er­ness­es wide and drear,
Our Lord will guide our steps aright,
Behold to prove His pre­sence here,
The cloud by day, the fire by night!


His power the smit­ten rock con­trols,
A crys­tal stream our need sup­plies,
He feeds our hun­gry, faint­ing souls,
With dai­ly man­na from the skies!


In hos­tile lands we feel no fear;
No foe our on­ward march can stay;
In ev­ery con­flict He is near,
Whose pre­sence cheers us on the way.


Ere long, the ri­ver crossed, we’ll meet
The ran­somed host at His right hand;
And there re­ceive a wel­come sweet,
From our dear Lord to Ca­naan’s land!
