Scripture Verse

You will be gathered up one by one. Isaiah 27:12


Words & Mu­sic: Fred Heu­mel, in Win­dows of Heav­en No. 7, ed­it­ed by John B. Vaugh­an (Ath­ens, Georg­ia: J. B. Vaugh­an, 1909) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Heu­mel (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We are go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney one by one,
We are go­ing t’wards the ev­en­ing’s set­ting sun;
Soon the fleet­ing days of earth will all be past,
And we’ll stand up­on death’s ri­ver bank at last.


We are go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney,
Yes, we’re go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney,
We are go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney one by one;
We are go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney,
Yes, we’re go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney;
We are go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney one by one.

We are go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney one by one,
And our la­bors here be­low will soon be done;
When the fin­al end doth come to one and all,
Let’s be rea­dy for the heav’n­ly Shep­herd’s call.


We are go­ing thro’ life’s jour­ney, but there’s One
Who will ne­ver leave His child­ren sad, for­lorn;
’Tis the lov­ing Sav­ior, He will be our stay,
And will guide us safe­ly in the nar­row way.
