Scripture Verse

He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. Psalm 72:8


Words: Vi­vi­an A. Dake, 1891.

Music: Ida M. Dake (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ida Dake (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Vivian A. Dake (1854–1892)


Behold the hands stretched out for aid,
Darkened by sin and sore dis­mayed;
Oh, will you to their res­cue go,
Lost wan­d’rers down to end­less woe?


We’ll gir­dle the globe with sal­va­tion,
With ho­li­ness unto the Lord;
And light shall il­lumine each na­tion,
The light from the lamp of His Word.

In hea­then lands they watch and wait,
And sigh for help which comes so late,
And grope in sin and na­ture’s night,
Forever vain­ly seek­ing light.


Oh, flash the tid­ings! shout the sound,
In dark­est lands the world around,
Till all the earth from pole to pole,
Shall full sal­va­tion ech­oes roll.


The watch fires kin­dle far and near,
In ev’ry land let them ap­pear,
Till burn­ing lines of Gos­pel fire,
Shall gird the world and mount up high­er.
