He leads me beside still waters, He refreshes my soul.
Psalm 23:2–3
Words: Chilson, in Garlands of Praise, edited by Asa Hull (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Asa Hull, 1876), page 38.
Music: Ticino Asa Hull, 1876 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know the author’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
How much of joy and comfort,
How much of real cheer,
The dear Lord in His kindness,
Gives to His children here.
So gently doth He lead us,
So happily we move,
That every day our pathway
Glows with His tender love.
Each hour He draweth nearer,
And when we need to rest,
He folds His arms about us—
He lays us on His breast;
He gives us living waters,
With heav’nly manna feeds,
And His exhaustless bounty
Supplies our many needs.
Sometimes a passing shadow
Will flit across the mind,
And dim our hope of Heaven,
Our pleasing prospects blind;
But then His hand He giveth,
To lead us safe along,
And in a moment changeth
The mourning sigh to song.
And when our loved ones leave us,
To come to us no more,
He draws aside the curtain,
And shows the golden shore;
We hear the praise exultant—
The harp-strings sweetly ring,
As ransomed friends in glory
Bow to the loving King.