Scripture Verse

I…baptize you with water, but One mightier than I cometh…He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Luke 3:16


John Lawley (1859–1922)

Words: John Law­ley, in All the World, 1892. Re­print­ed in The Mu­sic­al Sal­va­tion­ist sup­ple­ment, June 1892. The orig­in­al text re­versed the last and pen­ul­ti­mate stan­zas be­low.

Music: Meet Me at the Fount­ain Phil­ip P. Bliss, 1873 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Philip Bliss (1838–1876)


Wanted, hearts bap­tized with fire,
Hearts com­plete­ly cleansed from sin,
Hearts that will go to the mire,
Hearts that dare do aught for Him;
Hearts that will be firm­er, brav­er,
Hearts like he­roes gone be­fore,
Hearts en­joy­ing God’s full fa­vor,
Hearts to love Him more and more.


Hearts to hoist the co­lors brave­ly,
Hearts to share the hard­est fight,
Hearts that know their du­ty clear­ly,
Hearts to dare and do the right.

Wanted, hearts that beat true ev­er,
Hearts that can for oth­ers feel,
Hearts that prove the trai­tor ne­ver,
Hearts that will the wound­ed heal;
Hearts o’er­flow­ing with com­pass­ion,
Hearts re­newed by grace di­vine,
Hearts aglow with full sal­va­tion,
Hearts to say: Thy will, not mine!


Wanted, hearts to love the mass­es,
Hearts to help Him seek the lost,
Hearts to help Him save all class­es,
Hearts to help Him save the worst;
Hearts to share with Him the weep­ing,
Hearts to bear with Him the cross,
Hearts to help Him with the reap­ing,
Hearts to trust through gain or loss.


Wanted, hearts like Thine, Lord, ho­ly,
Hearts that in Thine im­age shine,
Hearts that turn from sin and fol­ly,
Hearts to know no way but Thine;
Hearts that un­to Thee are giv­en,
Hearts pos­sessed with dy­ing love,
Hearts on earth but filled with Hea­ven,
Hearts in­spir­èd from above.
