Scripture Verse

O my God, I trust in Thee. Psalm 25:2


Words: A. J. Sims, in Songs of the Bless­ed Hope, ed­it­ed by J. Hen­ry Sho­wal­ter (West Mil­ton, Ohio: J. Hen­ry Sho­wal­ter, 1927), alt.

Music: Acon­ca­gua Claude H. Bot­toms, in The Best Gos­pel Songs and Their Com­pos­ers (Dal­ton, Georg­ia: An­tho­ny J. Sho­wal­ter, 1904), num­ber 184 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know Sims’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Bot­toms,

Claud H. Bottoms (1878–1940)


There is a hand, un­seen by me,
That leads through ways I can­not see;
While go­ing through this world of woe,
This hand still leads me as I go.


I’m trust­ing in the un­seen hand
That guides me through this wea­ry land;
And some sweet day I’ll reach that strand,
Still guid­ed by the un­seen hand.

His hand has led through sha­dows drear,
And while it leads, I have no fear;
I know ’twill lead me to that home
Where sin and sor­row ne’er can come.


I long to see my Sav­ior’s face
And sing the sto­ry Saved by Grace,
And there up­on that gold­en strand,
I’ll praise Him for His guid­ing hand.
