Scripture Verse

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Revelation 2:10


Words: George Raw­son, Hymns, Vers­es, and Chants (Lon­don: Hod­der & Stough­ton, 1876).

Music: Dun­dee Scot­tish Psal­ter, 1615 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Rawson


Thou who Thy­self didst sanc­ti­fy,
And set Thy­self apart,
Thy ser­vant’s pur­pose ra­ti­fy,
The pur­pose of his heart.

In rev­er­ence he him­self would yield
To be Thy sol­dier true,
And in high plac­es of the field
Thy glo­ri­ous work to do.

Captain di­vine, his name en­roll;
In tok­en let him feel
The fire from Heav’n with­in his soul,
The ev­er burn­ing zeal!

Give him his ar­mor, all of light;
And with un­fal­ter­ing breath,
Lord, make him Thy great bat­tle fight,
And faith­ful be, to death!

He that o’er­com­eth, Lord, with Thee
The morn­ing star shall own,
The robe and palm of vic­to­ry
And the im­mor­tal crown.