Scripture Verse

I have found my lost sheep. Luke 15:6


Words & Mu­sic: Al­bert S. Reitz, 1918 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albert S. Reitz (1879–1966)


I was lost in sin when Je­sus found me,
But He res­cued me, all glo­ry to His name!
And the cords of world­ly plea­sure bound me,
Till He saved me from sin and shame.


’Twas a glad day when Je­sus found me,
When His strong arms were thrown around me;
When my sins He bur­ied in the deep­est sea,
And my soul He filled with joy and vic­to­ry.
’Twas a glad day, O hal­le­lu­jah!
’Twas a glad day He claimed His own.
I will shout a glad ho­san­na in glo­ry
When I see Him up­on His throne.

O the bells of Hea­ven now are ring­ing,
For I hear their tones with­in my ran­somed soul;
And my heart is filled with joy­ful sing­ing
Since the Sav­ior has made me whole.


O the joy when we shall meet in glo­ry,
In the man­sions of my Fa­ther’s home above;
And through end­less ag­es tell the sto­ry
Of the Sav­ior’s re­deem­ing love.
