Scripture Verse

Thou wilt save the afflicted people. Psalm 18:27


Florence E. Coates (1850–1927)

Words: Flo­rence E. Coates, 1917.

Music: Do­mi­ni­ca Her­bert S. Oake­ley, 1874 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Herbert S. Oakeley (1830–1903)


Thou that dost save through pain,
And dost, af­flict­ing, bless,
We of­fer Thee from pros­trate hearts
The great­er thank­ful­ness.

Lord, Thou hast hum­bled pride—
Hast shown the world at length
What ruth­less­ness may dwell with pow­er,
What bank­rup­tcy with strength.

And teach­ing us the scorn
Of tri­fles that be­guile
Hast giv­en us, dear God, to live
When life is most worth­while.

We thank Thee for the dream
That he­roes dreamed of yore,
Their vi­sion of the good, the will
Earth’s free­dom to re­store.

Spoiled child­ren of the past,
Today, more nob­ly blest,
We thank Thee who hast wak­ened us,
And asked of us our best.

God of the young and brave,
Who no­thing know of fear,
Who hold the things that life out­last
Than life it­self more dear.

We thank Thee that our souls
Are strong as theirs to give
All, all we cher­ish most on earth,
That li­ber­ty may live:

That we, O Good su­preme,
Still through our tears can see
On death’s pale brow an au­re­ole
Of im­mor­ta­li­ty!