Scripture Verse

Strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Hebrews 11:13


Words & Mu­sic: Ro­bert Hark­ness, 1910 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert Harkness (1880–1961)


Thro’ a land of sin and shame,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home;
Trusting in the Sav­ior’s name,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home.


Traveling home, tra­vel­ing home,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home;
Trav’ling home, tra­vel­ing home,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home;

To a land of peace and rest,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home;
Where no soul can be dis­tressed,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home.


Joy un­ceas­ing we shall share,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home;
With the loved ones wait­ing there,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home.


Sorrows will for­got­ten be,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home;
Over for eter­ni­ty,
Led by Je­sus we are tra­vel­ing home.
