Scripture Verse

The Name that is above every name. Philippians 2:9


Words & Mu­sic: Frank­lin E. Bel­den, The Se­venth-Day Ad­vent­ist Hymn and Tune Book (Bat­tle Creek, Mi­chi­gan: Re­view & He­rald, 1886), num­ber 1228 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Franklin E. Belden (1858–1945)
Courtesy of Ellen G. White Estate


There’s no oth­er name like Je­sus,
’Tis the dear­est name we know,
’Tis the an­gel’s joy in Hea­ven,
’Tis the Chris­tian’s joy be­low.


Sweet name, dear name,
There’s no oth­er name like Je­sus,
Sweet name, dear name,
There’s no oth­er name like Je­sus.

There’s no oth­er name like Je­sus,
When the heart with grief is sad,
There’s no oth­er name like Je­sus
When the heart is free and glad.


’Tis the hope that I shall see Him
When in glo­ry He ap­pears,
’Tis the hope to hear His wel­come
That my fain­ting spir­it cheers.


If He wills that I should la­bor
In His vine­yard day by day,
Then ’tis well if on­ly Je­sus
Blesses all I do or say.


If he wills that death’s cold fin­ger
Touch my fee­ble, mor­tal clay,
Then ’tis well if on­ly Je­sus
Is my dy­ing trust and stay.
