Scripture Verse

Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Clara M. Lehman

Words: Cla­ra M. Leh­man, in Hymns of the Kin­gdom, ed­it­ed by Ad­am Geibel, Frank Leh­man et al. (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Gei­bel & Leh­man, 1905), num­ber 14.

Music: Gra­nite Falls R. Frank Leh­man, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

R. Frank Lehman (1859–1931)


Sometimes the sha­dows o’er me fall,
I grope in vain a light to see,
When in my heart a voice doth say—
O trou­bled one, come un­to Me.


I hear His voice, and to Him go,
And find in Him a friend in­deed,
Could I re­fuse His ten­der plea?
No, no, ’tis Him alone I need.

The voice still pleads in ac­cents low,
But still I lin­ger—O so weak—
Can I re­sist that voice so sweet?
No, no, ’tis peace and rest I seek.


So I will glad­ly heed His call,
And let Him with me ev­er say,
For He alone can give me life,
And light along my heav’n­ly way.
