Scripture Verse

…the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to His saints. Colossians 1:26


Anna B. Hoppe (1889–1941)

Words: An­na B. Hoppe, 1919. Ap­peared in The Hym­nal of the Evan­ge­li­cal Lu­ther­an Au­gus­ta­na Sy­nod (Rock Is­land, Il­li­nois: Au­gus­ta­na Book Con­cern, 1923).

Music: All­mäch­tig­er Gott Jo­hann Crü­ger, 1640 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Hoppe,

Johann Crüger


Thou hast in­deed made ma­ni­fest
Thy glo­ry, wel­come Brid­al Guest,
Thou art Mes­si­ah, we be­lieve;
Our ado­ra­tion, Lord, re­ceive.

Be Thou our con­stant guest, we pray,
O Friend of sin­ners, come to stay.
Our ev­ery need do Thou sup­ply,
Till we be­come Thy guests on high.

O heav­en­ly Bride­groom, haste, we pray,
That long ex­pect­ed wed­ding day
When trum­pets sound, to call us home:
The brid­al of the Lamb hath come.