Scripture Verse

…waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:7


Words: Frank­lin E. Bel­den, 1906. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as A.N.O., Bel­den’s pseu­do­nym.

Music: John M. Har­ris (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Harris (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Franklin E. Belden (1858–1945)
Courtesy of Ellen G. White Estate


Thou art com­ing, my Be­lov­èd,
Thou art com­ing once again;
Not a man of tears and sor­rows,
But a king of kings to reign;
And to rule in re­gal splen­dor
Where such sor­row pierced Thy heart,
Can it be, Thou best Be­lov­èd,
Coming, ne­ver to de­part?


We are wait­ing, we are watch­ing,
We are wait­ing, we are watch­ing,
For the com­ing of the Lord;
We are wait­ing, we are watch­ing,
We are wait­ing, we are watch­ing,
For the com­ing of the Lord.

We are wait­ing, we are watch­ing,
For the com­ing of Thy feet,
With our hearts aflame with glo­ry,
Waiting at the mer­cy seat;
And tho’ winds and waves chas­tise us,
While on life’s tem­pes­tu­ous sea,
We would sure­ly sink and per­ish
But for hope of see­ing Thee.


Blessèd hope that makes the de­sert
Now to blos­som as the rose;
In the rough and rug­ged places,
Still our hearts doth find re­pose,
In the hope that we shall see Thee,
And shall lean up­on Thy breast,
And then reign with Thee for­ev­er
In the land of per­fect rest.
