Scripture Verse

He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Psalm 121:3


Words: John A. Wall­ace (1802–1870). Note: Ju­lian, p. 1713, re­tracts his state­ment on page 1197 that the au­thor was James Cow­den Wall­ace.

Music: North­repps Jo­si­ah Booth, 1887 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Wall­ace (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Josiah Booth (1852–1929)


There is an eye that nev­er sleeps
Beneath the wing of night;
There is an ear that nev­er shuts
When sink the beams of light.

There is an arm that nev­er tires
When hu­man strength gives way;
There is a love that nev­er fails
When earth­ly loves de­cay.

That eye is fixed on ser­aph throngs;
That arm up­holds the sky;
That ear is filled with an­gel songs;
That love is throned on high.

But there’s a pow­er which man can wield
When mor­tal aid is vain,
That eye, that arm, that love to reach,
That list­en­ing ear to gain.

That pow­er is pray­er, which soars on high,
Through Je­sus, to the throne,
And moves the hand which moves the world,
To bring sal­va­tion down.