Scripture Verse

The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 1 Corinthians 3:19


Daniel Whittle (1840–1901)

Words: Da­ni­el W. Whit­tle, 1900.

Music: May W. Moo­dy (🔊 pdf nwc).

May W. Moody (1870–1963)


They tell me the sto­ry of Je­sus is old,
And they ask that we preach some­thing new;
They say that the Babe, and the Man of the cross,
For the wise of this world will not do.


It can nev­er grow old, it can nev­er grow old,
Though a mill­ion times ov­er the sto­ry is told;
While sin lives un­van­quished,
And death rules the world,
The sto­ry of Je­sus can nev­er grow old.

Yet the story is old, as the sun­light is old,
Though it’s new ev­ery morn all the same;
As it floods all the world with its glad­ness and light,
Kindling far­away stars by its flame.


For what can we tell to the wea­ry of heart,
If we preach not sal­va­tion from sin?
And how can we com­fort the souls that de­part,
If we tell not how Christ rose again?


So with sor­row we turn from the wise of this world,
To the wan­der­ers far from the fold;
With hearts for the mes­sage they’ll join in our song,
That the sto­ry can nev­er grow old.
