Scripture Verse

Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14


Words: Jane Tay­lor, Hymns for In­fant Minds 1810, alt.

Music: Dale­hurst Ar­thur Cott­man, 1874 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Tay­lor or Cott­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


There is a path that leads to God
All others go as­tray;
Though nar­row, plea­sant is the road,
And Christ­ians love the way.

It leads us through this world of sin,
And dan­gers must be passed;
But those who bold­ly walk there­in
Will come to Hea­ven at last.

How shall an in­fant pil­grim dare
This dan­ger­ous path to tread?
Do I not need a shep­herd’s care
To be se­cure­ly led?

While the broad road, where thou­sands go,
Lies near and op­ens fair;
And ma­ny turn aside, I know,
To walk with sin­ners there.

Be Thou, O Lord, my guard, my guide,
Nor let me from Thee stray;
Uphold my foot­steps, lest I slide
Or wan­der from Thy way.

Then I may go with­out alarm
And trust His Word of old
The lambs, He’ll ga­ther with His arm,
And lead them to the fold.

Thus I may safe­ly ven­ture through
Beneath my shep­herd’s care;
And keep the gate of Hea­ven in view,
Till I shall en­ter there.