Scripture Verse

My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up. Psalm 5:3


Georgiana M. Taylor

Words: Geor­gi­ana M. Tay­lor, in Sac­red Me­lo­dies No. 1, ed­it­ed by Ed­ward C. Avis & Jo­shua Gill (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Mc­Don­ald & Gill, 1886).

Music: Hoh­en­wer­fen, Mi­lo W. Ne­ther­cutt, in Crown of Gold, ed­it­ed by Will­iam T. Gif­fe & Frank M. Da­vis (Lo­gans­port, In­di­ana: Home Mu­sic, 1892), num­ber 186 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Tay­lor,

Milo W. Nethercutt


When thou wak­est in the morn­ing,
Ere thou tread the un­tried way
Of the lot that lies be­fore thee,
Thro’ the com­ing bu­sy day;
Whether sun­beams pro­mise bright­ness,
Whether dim fore­bod­ings fall,
Be thy dawn­ing glad or gloomy,
Go to Je­sus—tell Him all!

In the calm of sweet com­mun­ion,
Ere thy dai­ly work be done;
In the peace of soul out­pour­ing,
Care be ban­ished, pa­ti­ence won;
And if earth with its en­chant­ments
Seek thy spir­it to en­thrall,
Ere thou list­en—ere thou an­swer,
Turn to Je­sus—tell Him all!

Then, as hour by hour glides by thee,
Thou wilt bless­èd guid­ance know;
Thine own bur­dens be­ing light­ened,
Thou canst bear an­oth­er’s woe;
Thou canst help the weak ones on­ward,
Thou canst raise up those that fall;
But re­mem­ber, while thou serv­est,
Still tell Je­sus—tell Him all!

And if wea­ri­ness creep o’er thee
As the day wears to its close,
Or if sud­den fierce temp­ta­tion
Bring thee face to face with foes:
In thy weak­ness, in thy pe­ril,
Raise to Hea­ven a trust­ful call;
Strength and calm for ev­ery cri­sis
Come—in tell­ing Je­sus all.