Scripture Verse

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Hebrews 1:14


Words: Ro­bert Camp­bell, Hymns and An­thems, 1850, page 94.

Music: Wool­mer’s Fred­er­ick A. Gore-Ou­se­ley, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Camp­bell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Frederick Gore-Ouseley


They come, God’s mes­sen­gers of love,
They come from realms of peace above,
From homes of nev­er fad­ing light,
From bliss­ful man­sions ev­er bright.

They come to watch around us here,
To soothe our sor­row, calm our fear:
Ye heav­en­ly guides, speed not away,
God will­eth you with us to stay.

But chief­ly at its jour­ney’s end
’Tis yours the spir­it to be­friend,
And whis­per to the faith­ful heart,
O Chris­tian soul, in peace de­part.

Blest Je­su, Thou whose groans and tears
Have sanc­ti­fied frail na­ture’s fears,
To earth in bit­ter sor­row weighed,
Thou didst not scorn Thine an­gel’s aid;

An an­gel guard to us sup­ply,
When on the bed of death we lie;
And by Thine own al­migh­ty pow­er
O shield us in the last dread hour.

To God the Fa­ther, God the Son,
And God the Spir­it, Three in One,
From all above and all be­low,
Let joy­ful praise un­ceas­ing flow.

The Guardian Angel
Pietro Da Cortona (1596–1669)