Scripture Verse

The girl is not dead, but is sleeping. Matthew 9:24


Words: Ka­tha­ryn D. Ba­con, in Glad News No. 2, edited by George W. Ba­con (Hud­son, North Caro­li­na: Teach­ers’ Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, 1918), num­ber 115.

Music: Tua­la­tin Ham­mer Atch­ley (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Atch­ley (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Ba­con,

Katharyn D. Bacon (1884–1944)


Sweetly sleep, oh! friends so dear,
Beneath the flow­ers, the sun and dew,
As to­day we ga­ther here
In lov­ing me­mo­ry of you.


Sweetly sleep un­til the dawn
Of that eter­nal, hap­py day,
When, with ev­ery sha­dow gone,
We shall abide in bliss for aye.

Sweetly sleep, and take your rest,
For ev­ery bur­den now is borne,
Safe up­on your Sav­ior’s breast,
Dear friends, for you we can­not mourn.


Sweetly sleep, so free from care,
You’ll wake, but ah! to sor­row not,
For the joys of Heav’n you’ll share,
O hap­py, hap­py is your lot!


Sweetly sleep, oh! sweet­ly sleep,
Your toil is done, your sor­row o’er;
Vigil o’er you an­gels keep,
And blest are you for­ev­er­more!
