Scripture Verse

Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them. Mark 10:14


Words: Mar­ga­ret W. Snod­grass, in Pri­ma­ry Songs, by Mrs. Da­vid C. Cook (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Da­vid C. Cook, 1878).

Music: J. M. S. (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the com­pos­er’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Snod­grass,


The sweet­est words I have ev­er read
Are the lov­ing words that the Sav­ior said:
Suffer the child­ren to come to Me.
Who’d have ev­er thought of this but He?


Suffer the child­ren to come to Me,
Suffer the child­ren to come to Me
I am as glad as glad can be,
Those ve­ry words were meant for me.

Oh, how He part­ed the throng that pressed,
And so ten­der­ly ev­ery child ca­ressed!
This is the glad­ness of all my song,
That to this dear Sav­ior I be­long.


I won­der what I should ev­er do,
If the Sav­ior had on­ly called a few,
Taking the old, and the wise and great;
Oh, I am so glad I need not wait.


Jesus Blessing the Children
Bernhard Plockhorst (1825–1907)