Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them.
Mark 10:14
Words: Margaret W. Snodgrass, in Primary Songs, by Mrs. David C. Cook (Chicago, Illinois: David C. Cook, 1878).
If you know the composer’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Snodgrass,
The sweetest words I have ever read
Are the loving words that the Savior said:
Suffer the children to come to Me.
Who’d have ever thought of this but He?
Suffer the children to come to Me,
Suffer the children to come to Me
I am as glad as glad can be,
Those very words were meant for me.
Oh, how He parted the throng that pressed,
And so tenderly every child caressed!
This is the gladness of all my song,
That to this dear Savior I belong.
I wonder what I should ever do,
If the Savior had only called a few,
Taking the old, and the wise and great;
Oh, I am so glad I need not wait.