Scripture Verse

The glory of the Lord shone round about them. Luke 2:9


J. Lincoln Hall (1866–1930)

Words: Ir­vin H. Mack, The Voice of Praise (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hall-Mack, 1904), num­ber 210.

Music: J. Lin­coln Hall (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mack (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Hall,


Bethlehem star, beau­ti­ful star,
Shining with guid­ing ray,
Shedding a light, heav­en­ly light,
Pointing to Christ the way;
Angels so bright, wing­ing their flight
Over the si­lent hill,
Carol a song in­to the morn,
Peace un­to earth, good will.


Glowing, glow­ing,
Star of ra­di­ant beau­ty,
Streaming, beam­ing,
O’er the new­born King;
Angels sang by night,
Tidings of peace,
Telling un­to earth;
Joyful the news they bring.

Over the earth, slum­ber­ing deep,
Angels are hov­er­ing near,
Telling of Him com­ing to reign,
Blessèd are they who hear.
Nations, arise! Hon­or your king!
Share in the joys to­day!
Jesus the mild, comes as a child,
Showing the heav’n­ly way.


Arches of Heav’n, stream­ing with light,
Honor the King who came;
Glories on high, fill­ing the sky,
Praise the Re­deem­er’s name.
Wonderful love, won­der­ful love,
Sent from the throne on high,
Gave to the earth peace and good will,
Bringing sal­va­tion nigh.
