Scripture Verse

Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11


Edward Bickersteth (1825–1906)

Words: Ed­ward H. Bick­er­steth, Jr., 1870.

Music: Sil­ver Street Is­aac Smith, cir­ca 1770 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Smith (1734–1805)
National Portrait Gallery



Stand, sol­dier of the cross,
Thy high al­le­giance claim,
And vow to hold the world but loss
For thy Re­deem­er’s name.

Arise, and be bap­tized,
And wash thy sins away;
Thy league with God be so­lem­nized,
Thy faith avouched to­day.

No more thine own, but Christ’s,
With all the saints of old,
Apostles, seers, evan­gel­ists,
And martyr throngs en­rolled.

In God’s whole ar­mor strong,
Front hell’s em­bat­tled pow­ers:
The war­fare may be sharp and long,
The vic­to­ry must be ours.

O bright the con­quer­or’s crown,
The song of tri­umph sweet,
When faith casts ev­ery tro­phy down
At our great cap­tain’s feet.