Scripture Verse

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection. Revelation 20:6


William Hunter (1811–1877)

Words: Will­iam Hunt­er, in The Book of Wor­ship (New York: Clark & May­nard, 1867).

Music: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

William B. Bradbury (1816–1868)


Soon shall we see the glo­ri­ous morn­ing!
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!
Sinners, at­tend the notes of warn­ing!
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!
The re­sur­rec­tion day draws near,
The King of saints shall soon ap­pear,
And high His roy­al stan­dard rear:
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!

Hear ye the trump of God re­sound­ing,
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!
Through death’s dark vaults its notes re­bound­ing:
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!
To meet the Bride­groom haste! pre­pare!
Put on your brid­al gar­ments fair;
And hail your Sav­ior in the air!
Saints, arise! Saints, arise!

The saints who sleep, with joy awak­en,
All arise! All arise!
Their clay cold beds are quick for­sak­en,
All arise! All arise!
Not one of all the faith­ful few
Who here on earth the Sav­ior knew,
But starts with bliss his Lord to view:
All arise! All arise!

Fast by the throne of God be­hold them
Crowned at last! Crowned at last!
See in His arms the Sav­ior fold them,
Crowned at last! Crowned at last!
With wreaths of glo­ry round their head;
No tears of sor­row now are shed,
To joy’s full fount­ain all are led:
Crowned at last! Crowned at last!