Scripture Verse

God my maker, who giveth songs in the night. Job 35:10


Words: Nel­lie A. Mont­go­me­ry, in Make His Praise Glo­ri­ous (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Ed­win O. Ex­cell, 1900).

Music: John S. Fear­is (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mont­go­me­ry (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John S. Fearis (1867–1932)


When the clouds of affliction have ga­thered,
And hidden each star from my sight,
I know if I turn to my Fa­ther,
I know if I turn to my Fa­ther,
Sweetest songs, sweet­est songs,
Sweetest songs He will give in the night.


Songs in the night, songs in the night,
Oh, how pre­cious the songs in the night!
My heart run­neth ov­er,
For the songs He doth send in the night.

Oh, how dear are those mes­sag­es to me!
No need then to cry in af­fright;
My heart grow­eth strong as I list­en,
My heart grow­eth strong as I list­en
To the songs, to the songs,
To the songs He doth send in the night.


And when morn breaks at last in its splen­dor,
And sor­row is changed to de­light,
Oh, still would I ev­er re­mem­ber,
Oh, still would I ever re­mem­ber,
All the songs, all the songs,
All the songs that were sent in the night.
