Scripture Verse

Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him. Matthew 14:31


Words: Fred P. Mor­ris, 1907.

Music: Ro­bert Hark­ness (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mor­ris (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Robert Harkness (1880–1961)


Somebody came and lift­ed me
Out of my sin and mi­se­ry
Somebody came, O who could it be,
Who could it be but Je­sus?


Who could it be, O who could it be?
Who could it be but Je­sus?
Who could it be, O who could it be?
Who could it be but Je­sus?

Somebody bent so ten­der­ly,
Pleading so long and pa­tient­ly,
Somebody came, O who could it be,
Who could it be but Je­sus?


Somebody whis­pered sweet and low,
Telling me just the way to go,
Somebody spoke, I list­ened, and lo,
Who could it be but Je­sus?


Somebody holds my hand each day,
Guiding my feet lest I should stray,
Walking with Him how bless­èd the way,
Who could it be but Je­sus?
