Scripture Verse

Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty. Isaiah 2:10


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Times of Trou­ble and Per­se­cu­tion se­cond edi­tion, en­larged (Lon­don: Stra­han, 1744), pag­es 10–12, alt.

Music: Bea­loth Low­ell Ma­son, Sac­red Harp 1843 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Sinners, the call ob­ey,
The lat­est call of grace;
The day is come, the venge­ful day,
Of a de­vot­ed race:
Devils and men com­bine
To plague the faith­less seed,
And vi­als full of wrath divine
Are burst­ing on your head.

Enter in­to the Rock,
Ye trem­bling slaves of sin,
The Rock of your sal­va­tion, struck,
And cleft to take you in:
To shel­ter the dis­tressed
He did the cross en­dure;
O en­ter in the clefts, and rest
In Je­sus’ wounds se­cure.

Who would not fear the Lord,
Such glo­ri­ous ma­jes­ty!
His jus­tice stern hath drawn the sword:
To His com­pass­ion flee;
He comes to ven­geance take,
He comes His wrath to show;
He rises ter­ri­bly to shake
The drow­sy world be­low.

See how His me­te­ors glare!
(The tok­ens un­der­stand)
See fa­mine, pes­ti­lence and war
Hang o’er a guil­ty land!
Signs in the hea­vens see,
And hear the speak­ing rod;
O sin­ner, judg­ment points to Thee,
Prepare to meet thy God!

Terrible God! and true,
Thy jus­tice we con­fess,
Thy sor­est plagues are all our due,
We own our wick­ed­ness;
Worthy of death and hell,
Thee in Thy judg­ments meet:
But lo! we to Thy grace ap­peal,
And crowd Thy mer­cy seat.

Jesus, to Thee we fly
From the de­vour­ing sword!
Our city of de­fense is high,
Our help is in the Lord:
Or if the scourge o’er­flow,
And laugh at in­no­cence,
Thine ev­er­last­ing arms, we know,
Shall be our soul’s de­fense.

We in Thy Word be­lieve,
And in Thy pro­mise stay:
Our life, which still to Thee we give,
Shall be us to a prey:
Our life with Thee we hide
Above the fu­ri­ous blast,
And shel­tered in Thy wounds abide,
Till all the storm is past.

Believing against hope,
We hang up­on Thy grace,
Through ev­ery low­eri­ng cloud look up,
And wait for hap­py days;
The days when all shall know
Their sins in Christ for­giv­en,
And walk awhile with God be­low,
And then fly up to Heav­en.