Scripture Verse

Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Fe­lix Far­ley, 1742), pag­es 167–68.

Music: Ban­gor (To­ron­to) ano­ny­mous, in the Me­tho­dist Hymn and Tune Book (To­ron­to, Ca­na­da: Me­tho­dist Book & Pub­lish­ing House, 1894), num­ber 199 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Sinners, your hearts lift up,
Partakers of your hope!
This the day of Pen­te­cost;
Ask, and ye shall all re­ceive;
Surely now the Ho­ly Ghost
God to all that ask shall give.

Ye all may free­ly take
The grace for Je­su’s sake;
He for ev­ery man hath died,
He for all hath ris­en again;
Jesus now is glo­ri­fied;
Gifts He hath re­ceived for men.

He sends them from the skies
On all His ene­mies;
By His cross He now hath led
Captive our cap­ti­vi­ty:
We shall all be free in­deed,
Christ the Son shall make us free.

Blessings on all He pours,
In ne­ver ceas­ing show­ers;
All He wa­ters from above;
Offers all His joy and peace,
Settled com­fort, per­fect love,
Everlasting right­eous­ness.

All may from Him re­ceive
A pow­er to turn and live;
Grace for ev­ery soul is free;
All may hear th’eter­nal call;
All the light of life may see;
All may feel He died for all.

Drop down in show­ers of love
Ye hea­vens from above!
Righteousness, ye skies, pour down,
Open, Earth, and take it in,
Claim the Spir­it for your own,
Sinners, and be saved from sin.

Father, be­hold, we claim
The gift in Je­sus’ name!
Now the pro­mised Com­fort­er
Into all our spir­its pour;
Let Him fix His man­sion here,
Come, and ne­ver leave us more.