Scripture Verse

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Psalm 32:1


Sydney Nicholson
National Portrait Gallery

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Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns Oc­ca­sioned by the Earth­quake, March 8, 1750, Part 2 (Lon­don: Stra­han, 1750), num­ber 12.

Music: Air­lie Sid­ney H. Ni­chol­son, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1916 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


The sin­ners how blest,
Who par­don re­ceive!
In trou­ble we rest,
In dy­ing we live,
In dan­ger se­cure,
Whom Je­sus hath loved,
Our foot­ing is sure,
Though earth is re­moved.

The hairs of our head,
Are re­gis­tered all,
Not one, He hath said,
Shall per­ish, or fall,
Without the per­mis­sion
Of in­fi­nite grace,
Whose bless­èd de­ci­sion
We glad­ly em­brace.

While thus we con­fide
In Je­sus’ blood,
Whatever be­tide,
Shall turn to our good,
When sor­rows sur­round us,
Our joys shall in­crease,
And earth­quakes shall ground us
In per­ma­nent peace.

Plague, fa­mine, and war
But quick­en our hope,
And bid us pre­pare,
And bid us look up;
Assured by each warn­ing,
His king­dom is near,
The Lord is re­turn­ing,
And soon shall ap­pear.

Appear in the skies,
Thou Sav­ior of men,
Our bo­dies shall rise
To meet Thee again,
Entombed in the cen­ter,
We shall be re­stored,
And glo­ri­ous­ly en­ter
The joy of our Lord.