Scripture Verse

He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11


Clement of Alexandria

Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Cle­ment of Al­ex­an­dria (Ti­tus Fla­vi­us Cle­mens), cir­ca 200 (Στό­μι­ον πώ­λων ἀων). Trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by Hen­ry M. Dex­ter, 1846, alt. This is prob­ab­ly the old­est Chris­tian hymn whose au­thor is known.

Music: Ol­iv­et (Ma­son) Low­ell Ma­son, 1831 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Shepherd of ten­der youth,
Guiding in love and truth
Through de­vi­ous ways;
Christ our tri­um­phant king,
We come Thy name to sing
And here our child­ren bring
To join Thy praise.

Thou art our ho­ly Lord,
O all sub­du­ing Word,
Healer of strife.
Thou didst Thy­self abase
That from sin’s deep dis­grace
Thou might­est save our race
And give us life.

Thou art the great high priest;
Thou hast pre­pared the feast
Of ho­ly love;
And in our mor­tal pain,
None calls on Thee in vain;
Help Thou dost not dis­dain,
Help from above.

Ever be Thou our guide,
Our shep­herd and our pride,
Our staff and song;
Jesus, Thou Christ of God,
By Thine en­dur­ing Word
Lead us where Thou hast trod,
Make our faith strong.

So now, and till we die,
Sound we Thy prais­es high
And joyful sing;
Infants and the glad throng
Who to Thy Church be­long,
Unite to swell the song
To Christ, our king.