Scripture Verse

He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalm 107:20


Words & Mu­sic: Frank­lin E. Bel­den, 1894 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Franklin E. Belden
Courtesy of Ellen G. White Estate


We’ll stand by the Bi­ble,
God’s mes­sage to man,
Revealing His love in
Redemption’s great plan;
It tells how death en­tered
With sin and the fall,
Of life free­ly of­fered
Through Je­sus to all.


Stand by the Bi­ble,
Walk by the Bi­ble,
Teach by the Bi­ble,
Revealing God’s plan;
Stand by the Bi­ble,
Study the Bi­ble,
Live by the Bi­ble,
God’s mes­sage to man.

No book so abound­ing
In won­der­ful truth,
No guide so un­err­ing
For child­hood and youth,
No coun­sel so need­ed
By man in his bloom,
No com­fort so sweet
On the verge of the tomb.


Through ag­es when faith spurned
The fet­ters of might,
It shone like a star on
The bo­som of night;
Its word was the rule of
The mill­ions who bled,
Its hope was their stay when
The last pray­er was said.


We’ll fol­low thy teach­ings,
Blest word from above,
We’ll live by thy pat­tern
Of in­fi­nite love,
Believing, ob­ey­ing,
And watch­ing with pray­er,
Till grace shall for Hea­ven
Our spir­its pre­pare.
