Scripture Verse

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Matthew 9:37


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Will­iam H. Bath­urst, Psalms and Hymns 1831, page 261.

Music: St. Bees John B. Dykes, 1862 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Bathurst (1796–1877)


Savior, let Thy Gos­pel light
Pierce the shades of hea­then night;
O’er a world long lost in sin
Let Thy glo­ri­ous reign begin.

Send the mes­sage of Thy grace
Far amongst our guil­ty race;
To all na­tions speak Thy Word,
Bid them own their right­ful Lord.

At the sil­ver trum­pet’s sound
Hurl their id­ols to the ground;
Turn them from their ev­il ways,
Tune their hearts to sing Thy praise.

Ripening fields ap­pear in view,
But the la­bor­ers are few;
Lord, in­crease the lit­tle band,
Send them forth to ev­ery land:

Give them cour­age and suc­cess,
All their faith­ful la­bors bless;
And com­mis­sion them to bring
Pardoned re­bels to their king.