Scripture Verse

Justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Romans 5:9


Words & Mu­sic: A. Ely, in Song-Land Mes­sen­ger No. 2, ed­it­ed by An­tho­ny J. Sho­wal­ter, John S. Hen­dricks et al. (Dall­as, Tex­as & Dal­ton, Geor­gia: Sho­wal­ter-Lin­coln & A. J. Sho­wal­ter, 1898), num­ber 100 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Ely’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I come to Thee, Thou Son of God,
And be­fore Thy al­tar fall;
Spare not on me Thy chast­en­ing rod,
O hear me as on Thy name I call.


Savior, Sav­ior,
Hear my ear­nest cry;
O hear and save me, save me,
Or I die.

I me­rit naught but death, I know,
But I pray Thee to for­give;
On me, Thy mer­cy, Lord, be­stow,
And let me but serve Thee while I live.


My sins I lay be­fore Thee now,
And with all my heart con­fess
Thou art my God, to Thee I bow,
Lord Je­sus, Thou Son of Right­eous­ness.


I will not let Thee go, dear Lord,
Till my sins are all for­giv­en;
I plead the pro­mise of Thy word,
O hear me and make me fit for Heav’n.
