

Born: March 1, 1855, McClean County, Kentucky.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 20, 1938, Madisonville, Kentucky.

Buried: Brow­der’s Church Ce­me­te­ry, Hopkins County, Kentucky.



John was the son of John B. Hen­dricks and Har­ri­et El­len Dan­ner.

He at­tend­ed his first sing­ing school at age 18. Two years lat­er, he be­gan teach­ing, con­ti­nu­ing un­til 1879, when he went to Ar­kan­sas and be­gan farm­ing.

Returning to Ken­tuc­ky in 1881, he went to work in the to­bac­co bu­si­ness, but in 1886 he re-entered the mu­sic field. Three years lat­er he went to Tex­as.

In 1894, he at­tend­ed a ses­sion of the South­ern Nor­mal Mu­sic­al Ins­ti­tute (SNMI) in Mid­lo­thi­an, Tex­as, and was in the first gra­du­at­ing class of the SNMI at the home of its prin­ci­pal, An­tho­ny Sho­wal­ter, in Dal­ton, Geor­gia. Af­ter­ward, he at­tend­ed a post-gra­du­ate course and sev­er­al more SNMI ses­sions, and taught in Tex­as and Ken­tuc­ky.

Hendricks was a mem­ber of the Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Church, South, and a large stock hold­er in the A. J. Sho­wal­ter Com­pa­ny and the Sho­wal­ter-Pat­ton Com­pa­ny.





Help Needed

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Hen­dricks,