Scripture Verse

Hallowed be Thy name. Luke 11:2


Words: Hen­ry A. Mar­tin, 1870. The orig­in­al ver­sion had eight vers­es of four lines, of which four vers­es were pub­lished in Church Hymns, 1872.

Music: Fides Cle­ment C. Schole­field, in Church Hymns, 1874 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mar­tin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Clement C. Scholefield


Sing aloud Je­ho­vah’s praises
Tell abroad the aw­ful name;
Heav’n the cease­less an­them raises,
Let the earth her God pro­claim—
God, the hope of ev­ery na­tion,
God, the source of con­so­la­tion,
Holy, bless­èd Tri­ni­ty!

This the name from an­cient ag­es
Hidden in its daz­zling light;
This the name that kings and sag­es
Prayed and strove to know aright,
Through God’s won­drous in­car­na­tion
Now re­vealed the world’s sal­va­tion,
Ever bless­èd Tri­ni­ty!

Into this great name and ho­ly
We all tribes and tongues bap­tize;
Thus the High­est owns the low­ly,
Homeward, heav’nw­ard, bids them rise,
Gathers them from ev­ery na­tion,
Bids them join in ado­ra­tion,
Of the bless­èd Tri­ni­ty!

In this name the heart re­joic­es,
Pouring forth its sec­ret pray­er;
In this name we lift our voic­es
And our com­mon faith de­clare,
Offering praise and sup­pli­ca­tion,
And the thank­ful life’s obla­tion,
To the bless­èd Tri­ni­ty!

Still Thy name o’er earth and ocean
Shall be car­ried, God is Love,
Whispered by the heart’s de­vo­tion,
Echoed by the choirs above,
Hallowed through all worlds for­ev­er,
Lord of life the on­ly giv­er,
Blessèd, glo­ri­ous Tri­ni­ty!