Scripture Verse

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8


Joel Blomqvist (1840–1930)

Words: Jo­el Blom­qvist, 1877 (Sab­bats­dag, hur skön du är). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by An­drew L. Skoog (1856–1934).

Music: Sab­bats­dag Jo­el Blom­qvist, 1877 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Blom­qvist or Skoog,

Andrew L. Skoog (1856–1934)


Sabbath day of rest and cheer!
Day di­vine, to me so dear!
Come, O come to old and young,
Gath’ring all for pray­er and song.

Now the week of toil is o’er,
And in peace we sit once more
At our Fa­ther’s am­ple board,
Listening to His gra­cious Word.

Lord, our God, we seek Thy face,
Bless us with Thy sav­ing grace;
May Thy her­alds ev­ery­where
Clear Thy Gos­pel truth de­clare.

Let Thy migh­ty Word hold sway
Over men on earth to­day;
Our poor souls, good Shep­herd, feed,
Into pas­tures green us lead.

May, O Lord, the day be near,
When we pass from tri­als here
Into Thine eter­nal rest,
In the man­sions of the blest.