Scripture Verse

Unto you that fear My name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings. Malachi 4:2


Cecil F. Alexander (1818–1895)

Words: Ce­cil F. Al­ex­an­der, 1853.

Music: El­la­combe, Ge­sang­buch der herz­ogl. Wir­tem­berg­isch­en ka­tho­lisch­en Hof­ka­pel­le (Würt­tem­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1784). Adapt­ed & har­mo­nized by Will­iam H. Monk in the 1868 ap­pendix to Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, num­ber 366 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

William H. Monk (1823–1889)


The ro­se­ate hues of ear­ly dawn, the bright­ness of the day,
The crim­son of the sun­set sky, how fast they fade away!
O for the pear­ly gates of Heav’n! O for the gold­en floor!
O for the sun of right­eous­ness that set­teth ne­ver­more!

The high­est hopes we cher­ish here, how fast they tire and faint!
How many a spot de­files the robe that wraps an earth­ly saint!
O for a heart that ne­ver sins! O for a soul washed white!
O for a voice to praise our king, nor wea­ry day or night!

Here faith is ours, and hea­ven­ly hopes, and grace to lead us high­er;
But there are per­fect­ness and peace be­yond our best de­sire.
O by Thy love and ang­uish, Lord, O by Thy life laid down,
Grant that we fall not from Thy grace, nor cast away our crown!