Our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts.
Isaiah 47:4
Words: Julia H. Johnston, 1897.
Music: Nigeria James H. Rosecrans, 1897 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a better photo of Johnston,
The original published version included these instructions for children:
The motions are very simple. Touch heart and lips, lift up the hands and bend the head with hands upon the ear as if listening, in the first verse. Point to lips, hands, hearts and feet in second verse. Reverently look upward, in first and fourth lines of last verse, with hands folded.
Praise the Redeemer with heart and with lips,
Worship Him gladly today;
Lift up your hands in the house of the Lord,
Listen to what He may say.
Joyfully praise Him, your master and Lord,
Sing of His goodness and love;
Learn of the Savior and follow His steps,
Till you behold Him above.
Voices were given to sing of His love,
Hands should be diligent, too;
Feet should be ready His errands to run,
Hearts should be loving and true.
Look unto Jesus, the Giver of all,
Offer your thanks in His name;
Trust and obey Him who bends from above,
Jesus, forever the same.