Scripture Verse

The appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became bright as a flash of lightning. Luke 9:29


John M. Neale (1818–1866)


Words: From the Sa­rum Bre­vi­ary, 1495 (Coe­les­tis for­mam glo­ri­ae). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by John M. Neale in The Hym­nal Not­ed, 1851.

Music: Ware­ham Will­iam Knapp, 1738 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Transfiguration of Christ
Mielno, Poland


O won­drous sight! O vi­sion fair
[orig­in­al­ly, A type of those bright rays on high]
Of glo­ry that the church shall share,
Which Christ up­on the mount­ain shows,
Where bright­er than the sun He glows!

From age to age the tale de­clares
How with the three dis­ci­ples there
Where Mos­es and Eli­jah meet,
The Lord holds con­verse high and sweet.

The law and pro­phets there have place,
Two chos­en wit­nesses of grace,
The Fa­ther’s voice from out the cloud
Proclaims His on­ly Son aloud.

With shin­ing face and bright ar­ray,
Christ deigns to ma­ni­fest that day
What glo­ry shall be theirs above
Who joy in God with per­fect love.

And faith­ful hearts are raised on high
By this great vi­sion’s mys­te­ry;
For which in joy­ful strains we raise
The voice of pray­er, the hymn of praise.

O Fa­ther, with the eter­nal Son,
And Holy Spir­it, ev­er One,
Vouchsafe to bring us by Thy grace
To see Thy glo­ry face to face.